
Dialyse-Praxis Dr. med. A. Staub AG, Lucerne Primary Care, Internal Medicine and Kidney Diseases

Medical Clinic

In the medical clinic we take care of patients with kidney diseases as well as general medical examinations and treatments. High-quality medical care is guaranteed.

  • Examinations and therapies of acute and chronic kidney diseases 
  • Kidney transplantation clarification and (post-transplant) care after kidney transplantation
  • Assessment of live kidney donors
  • Assessment of high blood pressure diseases
  • Metabolic examinations of Kidney Stones Diseases
  • Clarification of disorders of electrolyte, water and acid-base metabolism
  • Care for pre-dialysis patients
  • 24-hour doctor on call
  • General medical examinations and treatments (internal medicine / general medical care)
Dialyse-Praxis Dr. Staub Luzern